Dark Allegiance
Admond Guard Ranks & Commands

Below are the Ranks of the Admond Guard


Admond Guard Ranks & Commands | Mandalorian Army Rank & Commands | Mandalorian Navy Ranks & Commands

  • Battle Group Commander
  • Colonel
  • Captain
  • Lieutnant

Admond Guard Commands
The Admond Guard 1st Divission
Battle Commander Corcinn Belos
Colonel Hobbs                                                 Colonel Ken Nu                               Colonel ---Captain  Soda Jones                                       Captian ----                                         Captain ----
Captain ----                                                        Captain ----                                        Captain ----
Lieutnant ----                                                     Lieutnant ----                                Lieutnant ----
Lieutnant ----                                                     Lieutnant ----                                Lieutnant ----
Lieutnant ----                                                     Lieutnant ----                                Lieutnant ----
Lieutnant ----                                                     Lieutnant ----                                Lieutnant ----        

Dark Allegiance